Introducing Haku, a premium craft vodka from the House of Suntory, the founding house of Japanese whiskey. Haku translates to "white" as this vodka is created from 100% Japanese white rice to deliver a slightly sweet and full mouthfeel. Haku is then filtered thought bamboo charcoal to deliver an unparallel taste that is clean, soft and smooth. The Japanese craftsmanship dedicated to this distilling process produces a one of a kind great tasting Japanese premium craft vodka.
Suntory Haku Vodka, reserve online and collect from our London Heathrow store before you travel.
Explore our extensive range of beauty, liquor and food when you reserve your World Duty Free order online. Shoppers can secure their favourite brands at their convenience, up to 30 days before they travel. With the benefit of many more products available when you reserve in advance, enjoy shopping at World Duty Free with more choice, and without the rush! Reserve online, collect and pay in store.
A soft aroma played up by the sweet, delicate, floral aroma of rice.
Tasting Notes - Palate
A rich taste that gradually envelops the mouth with the natural sweetness and complex flavour of the rice.
Tasting Notes - Finish
A smooth finish, with a sophisticated, pleasantly lingering sweetness thanks to the bamboo charcoal filtration process.
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